Moore Brothers operates across 21,000 sqft of shop space including a 7,500 sqft climate-controlled laminating room and a growing collection of equipment. Investing in quality tools, working closely with our staff on necessary upgrades and maintenance, has allowed us to remain flexible and deliver from a place of creativity.


what we’re working with

CNC Machines

5 Axis CNC Machine 10’x 30’x 4’

3 Axis CNC Router 5'x20'x14"

3 Axis CNC Router 5'x10'x6"

CNC Ply Cutter 5'x10' with conveyor system

CNC controlled Eagle Knee Mill with 10” x 50” table

Surface plate: 4’x10’ flat to within less than 0.001”

Engineering + Design

Abaqus FEA

Rhino and SolidWorks

Fabrication and Assembly

Laminating processes: prepreg, infusion, wet-layup and compression molding

Laminating tables: 6’x15’ and 4’x10’

Laminating mandrel spinners: 60’, 20’ and 18’

Lathes; 6” x 36” and 24” x  96” traditional turning operations 

Extensive mandrel tooling (round shape and yacht spar sections)

Spray booth: 7’ x 14’ x 20’


250 sq ft / 20’ x 8’ x 7’ container oven

70’ x 16’ x 8’ modular prepreg curing oven


53” ID x 60’ long capable of reaching 300F and 150psi